
Indoor Air Quality Testing In Maryland

If you live in Montgomery County, Maryland, or surrounding areas including the District of Columbia, Delaware, or northern Virginia, and are concerned about health hazards inside your home such as mold or asbestos, MD Mold Testing serves this coverage area with household environmental testing and home inspections. With over 25 years of experience, our licensed and insured professionals offer services 7 days a week, providing testing for various pollutants throughout Montgomery County and surrounding areas:

Essential Tips for Home Buyers in Maryland

If you are considering buying a house or condo in our coverage area, we perform thorough home inspections and offer the types of testing listed above if you have concerns about building materials, mold, or the possibility of radon gas infiltration into the home. We are licensed and credentialed in a broad scope of inspection and testing procedures and have the extensive experience necessary to know what to test for and which testing procedures are most applicable to your situation. Home inspections are generally required for real estate transactions, and it is important that you choose your home inspector carefully so you have the critical information necessary for your decision to make an offer.


Assessing Problems With Older Homes

Asbestos was commonly used in building materials from the 1940s through the 1970s. Some asbestos products such as floor tiles carry low risks because there is little chance of these products shattering with enough force to release asbestos fibers into the air. However, other building materials containing asbestos, such as pipe and boiler insulation, may carry health risks. We are licensed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for asbestos testing and are skilled at knowing how to collect samples and which tests are the proper ones for the material.

Newer Homes and Volatile Organic Compounds

Indoor air quality in brand new homes may be compromised by volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are released from framing materials, flooring, carpeting, and paint. These compounds, which include formaldehyde, can irritate the respiratory tract and aggravate asthma in some cases. We can advise you on how to ventilate your home to lower levels of VOCs, and we perform indoor air quality testing to determine the level of indoor air pollution in homes throughout our coverage area.

Choose Your Testing Service Carefully

Beware of home inspectors who do not have the experience and credentials necessary to do the job to the highest standards. MD Mold Testing has over 25 years of experience in all aspects of home inspection and testing. Whether you are buying a home and need a comprehensive home inspection, or whether you are concerned about environmental health hazards in your home like radon gas, asbestos, or VOCs, we can address your concerns with inspection and testing that will give you the information you need. When you’re buying a home or develop concerns about possible hazards in the home, turn to a licensed, insured home inspection and testing service with expertise on the history and properties of the coverage area to protect your investment and your health.

Get $25 Off Any Environmental Test.